Matek Mateksys Flight Controller F765-WING F765 Wing for FPV Racing RC Drone Fixed Wings
December 03, 2019
US $57.35
Original Price : US $57.35 (0%)
Limited Offer Matek Mateksys Flight Controller F765-WING F765 Wing for FPV Racing RC Drone Fixed Wings with FREE Worldwide Shipping!

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Product description
[4000155731091]FC Specifications
MCU: STM32F765VIT6, 216MHz , 512KB RAM, 2MB Flash
IMU: MPU6000 (SPI1) & ICM20602 (SPI3)
Baro: BMP280 (I2C2)
OSD: AT7456E (SPI2)
Blackbox: MicroSD card slot (SDIO)
7x Uarts (1,2,3,4,6,7,8) with built-in inversion.
1x Softserial1_Tx (INAV)
12x PWM outputs (S1~S10 support Dshot)
6x ADC (VBAT, Current, RSSI, Analog AirSpeed, VB2, CU2)
3x LEDs for FC STATUS (Blue, Red) and 3.3V indicator(Red)
2x I2C
1x SPI4 breakout
Switchable Dual Camera Inputs
Switchable 5V/9V(12V) for Camera/VTX
High-precision Current Sense
ADC VB2 voltage divider: 1K:10K
ADC AirSpeedvoltage divider: 10K:10K
TR/SA VTX control: Yes
WS2812 Led Strip : Yes
Beeper : Yes
Analog Airspeed sensor: Yes
DigitalAirspeed sensor: Yes
FC Firmware
INAV Target: MATEKF765
ArduPilot(ChiBiOS) Target: MATEKF765-WING
Input voltage range: 9~36V (3~6S LiPo) w/TVS protection
2x ESC power pads
Battery Voltage Sensor: 1:10 (Scale 1100 in INAV, BATT_VOLT_MULT 11.0 in ArduPilot)
Current Senor: 132A, 3.3V ADC (Scale 250 in INAV,40 A/V in ArduPilot)
BEC 5V output
Designed for Flight controller, Receiver, OSD, Camera, Buzzer, 2812 LED_Strip, Buzzer, GPS module, AirSpeed
Continuous current: 2Amps, Max.3A
BEC 9V /12V output
Designed for Video Transmitter, Camera, Gimbal ect.
Continuous current: 2Amps, Max.3A
12V option with Jumper pad
BEC Vxoutput
Designed forServos
Voltage adjustable, 5V Default, 6V or 7.2V via jumper
Continuous current: 8Amps, Max.10A
BEC 3.3Voutput
Designed for Baro / Compass module andSpektrum RX
Linear Regulator
Continuous current: 200mA
Mounting: 30.5 x 30.5mm, Φ4mm with GrommetsΦ3mm
Dimensions: 54 x 36 x 13 mm
Weight: 26g
Camera switch & Vsw switch are not supported by ArduPilot now
Camera-1 and Vsw On by default with ArduPilot firmware
Rx5 is not supported for now.
No VB2 and CU2 definitions in INAV target
If FC board and top BEC plate are not connected via Vbat/G/Vx , you might solder other BEC output to FC Vx and G pad for powering up servos.
OSD font uploading could break off in MacOS INAV configurator, pls use Windows version.
If using 2 cameras, both should be set with identical video format, both PAL or both NTSC.